Department of Statistics
Year of Establishment : 2008
Annual/Semester/Choice based credit system : Credit Based System
Students Strength : 94
Student’s teacher ratio : 47 : 1

Prof. Randive Supriya Murlidhar
Head of Department
Department of Statistics has established in the year 2008 with Statistics as a subsidiary subject. The vision of the Department is to develop the department as a centre of quality teaching and consultancy in Statistics.
The academic standard of students is assessed by the Savitribai Phule Pune University only on the basis of semester examination. For assessment of each student at the departmental level we give home assignments, question banks to the students and conduct periodical tests, internals. The endeavours of the faculty reflect in the university results and in the achievements of the students. To enhance the statistical aptitude among the students, the department organizes various programs such as Statistics Quiz competitions under the guidance of Savitribai Phule Pune University.
Salient Features Of Department
- Faculty members are active in extending consultancy services in data analysis for students.
- Department conducts 'Guest lecturers' by eminent personalities in the field of Statistics.
- Faculty staff motivates entrepreneurship among the student community.
Programs/Courses offered : | Name of the course | Durations | Semester |
1 | F.Y.Bsc(Computer Sci.) | (10 Month) | Sem-I &II |
2 | F.Y.Bsc | (10 Month) | Sem-I &II |
Department’s Future Plans
- Intensify the number of modern learning platforms for the students to enhance their technical skills.
- Enhance students academic excellence to reach global standards.
- Organize co-curricular activities for personality development and employability enhancement.
- To start the S.Y.B.Sc. programs in your Department.
- To promote the student for research.