Department of Physics

Head of Department
At present, Physics subject is compulsory to ‘A’ group for only two classes’ i.e. first year science and second year science. At present Physics subject is not available in our college for specialization for third year. Students are taught practical and theory papers according to the syllabus prescribed by Savitribai Phule Pune University under this department of Physics.
Salient Features Of Department
- Well educated & Experienced Staff
- Good Infrastructure
- Fulfil of equipment & well settled lab.
- Best results in every year
Physics Library Facility
- The department does not have a separate library but reference books and text books are available for students to use in the common library of the college.
Details of the activities / Programs Offered by the Department
- All the students are given the opportunity to participate in all the activities of the college, in which the students participate spontaneously.